Sananga and Hape Ceremony
Usually paired together in ceremony
Sananga Ceremony
Sananga is applied directly as eye drops, often in a ceremonial setting. Upon application, there is an initial intense burning sensation, which lasts for a few minutes before subsiding into deep clarity and grounding. This discomfort is part of the medicine’s purification process, helping to release physical, emotional, and energetic toxins.
What to Expect?
• A strong burning sensation that lasts a few minutes
• A feeling of mental and emotional clarity after the initial intensity
• Possible release of tears or emotions, as the medicine works through energetic blockages
• A deep sense of presence, grounding, and sharpened perception
Sananga is traditionally used with prayer and intention, making it a powerful tool for spiritual growth, healing, and energetic alignment. It is best administered by a knowledgeable practitioner who respects and honors its sacred origins. If you’re seeking clarity, purification, and a deeper connection to yourself, Sananga may be a profound addition to your healing journey.

Hape (Rape) Ceremony
Hapé is blown into the nostrils using a special pipe called a Tepi (administered by another person) or Kuripe (self-administration). The process can feel intense yet deeply grounding, as the medicine quickly enters the bloodstream, bringing a moment of stillness and heightened awareness.
What to Expect
• A brief, intense sensation as the medicine enters the system
• A feeling of deep grounding and clarity • Possible release of emotions, energy shifts, or purging as the body detoxifies
• A sense of renewal, presence, and connection
Hapé is always used with intention and respect as part of a sacred practice. It’s not recreational but rather a tool for healing, meditation, and personal growth. Interested in experiencing the benefits of Hapé? Be sure to receive it from a knowledgeable practitioner who honors the traditions and rituals of this powerful medicine.

Buy Sananga, Hape, Tempes, and Kuripes